坂野 章吾



  • 専門分野

  • 主な担当講義

  • 出身大学

  • これまでの勤務先

    名古屋市立大学医学部 臨床検査医学(中央臨床検査部)(1996年)
  • 主な学会活動

  • 主な研究課題

  • 自己紹介



  • 膠原病 アレルギー リウマチ


  • Transforming growth factor beta 1 gene polymorphism in patients with systemic sclerosis
    Y Sugiura; S Banno; Y Matsumoto; T Niimi; T Yoshinouchi; Y Hayami; T Naniwa; R Ueda
    JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY, 2003年07月, 査読無し, 招待無し
    30(7), 1520, 1523
  • Transforming growth factor beta 1 gene polymorphism in rheumatoid arthritis
    Y Sugiura; T Niimi; S Sato; T Yoshinouchi; S Banno; T Naniwa; H Maeda; S Shimizu; R Ueda
    ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 2002年09月, 査読無し, 招待無し
    61(9), 826, 828
  • Pulmonary AL amyloidosis in a patients with primary Sjogren syndrome
    2002年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    12, 84
  • Reduced bone mineral density in Japanese premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus treated with glucocorticoids
    2002年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    12, 323
  • Pulmonary AL amyloidosis in a patients with primary Sjogren syndrome
    Modern Rheumatology, 2002年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    12, 84
  • Reduced bone mineral density in Japanese premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus treated with glucocorticoids
    Shogo Banno; Yoshifuji Matsumoto; Taio Naniwa; Yoshihito Hayami; Yoshiki Sugiura; Takeo Yoshinouchi; Ryuzo Ueda
    Modern Rheumatology, 2002年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    12(4), 323, 328, 10.1007/s101650200057
  • Transforming growth factor beta1 gene polymorphism in rheumatoid arthritis
    Ann Rheum Dis, 2002年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    61, 826, 10.1136/ard.61.9.826
  • Successful treatment of reactive hemophagocytic syndrome by plasmapheresis and high-dose γ-globulin in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus
    S. Banno; Y. Sugiura; T. Yoshinouchi; Y. Matsumoto; R. Ueda
    Modern Rheumatology, 2000年01月12日, 査読無し, 招待無し
    10(4), 263, 266, 10.3109/s101650070014
  • Successful treatment of reactive hemophagocytic syndrome by plasmapheresis and high-dose γ-globulin in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus
    2000年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    10, 263
  • Lymphocytic interstial pneumonia and non-caseating epitheloid granuloma in mediastinal lymph nodes in a patient with Sj(]E88D8[)gren's syndrome
    1999年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    9(4), 411
  • Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori and association with atrophic gastritis in patients with sj(]E88D8[)gren's syndrome
    1999年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    9(4), 353
  • Lymphocytic interstial pneumonia and non-caseating epitheloid granuloma in mediastinal lymph nodes in a patient with Sj(]E88D8[)gren's syndrome
    Japanese Journal of Rheumatology, 1999年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    9(4), 411
  • Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori and association with atrophic gastritis in patients with sj(]E88D8[)gren's syndrome
    Japanese Journal of Rheumatology, 1999年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    9(4), 353
  • Production of Monoclonal Antibody against PRADI/Cyclin DI : Positioe Nuclear Staining of Tumor Cells with 11g13 Abnormalities and Mantle Cell Lymphomas
    1996年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    40(3), 123
  • Production of Monoclonal Antibody against PRADI/Cyclin DI : Positioe Nuclear Staining of Tumor Cells with 11g13 Abnormalities and Mantle Cell Lymphomas
    Nagoya Medical Journal, 1996年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    40(3), 123
  • Immunohistochemical Analysis of Cyclin DI Protein in Hematopoietic Neoplasmas with Special Refeverce to Mantle Cell Lymphoma
    1994年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    85(12), 1270
  • Monoclonal Antibody against PRADI/Cyclin DI Stains Nuclei of Tumor cells with Translocation or Amplification at BCL-1 Locus
    1994年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    85(9), 918
  • Immunohistochemical Analysis of Cyclin DI Protein in Hematopoietic Neoplasmas with Special Refeverce to Mantle Cell Lymphoma
    Jpn. J. Cancer Res, 1994年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    85(12), 1270
  • Monoclonal Antibody against PRADI/Cyclin DI Stains Nuclei of Tumor cells with Translocation or Amplification at BCL-1 Locus
    Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 1994年, 査読無し, 招待無し
    85(9), 918


  • 膠原病疾患における新規自己抗原の同定
  • 輸血後感染症に関する研究
  • リウマチ・膠原病疾患における合併症に関する研究
  • リウマチ性疾患の成因に関する研究
  • Study on Etiology of Rheumatic Disorders