Member History
- Clinical variation in bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion through the unilateral occlusive pathology without surgical intervention - report of three cases.
IZUMI Masayuki
J Aichi Med Univ Assoc, 2016, Reviewed, No invitation
44, 7, 19 - A case of brain cryptococcosis associated with both occult HTLV-I infection and diabetes mellitus
IZUMI Masayuki
J Aichi Med Univ Assoc, Dec. 2012, Reviewed, No invitation
40, 53, 59 - May plasma brain (B-type) natriuretic peptide concentration reflect a cardiac sympathetic function of Parkinson's disease?
IZUMI Masayuki
J. Aichi Med. Univ. Assoc., 2006, Reviewed, No invitation
34(1), 37, 38 - 慢性期脳血管障害の高齢者患者における認知機能と血清ステロイドホルモンの関連の解析検討(共著)
愛知医科大学医学会雑誌, 2004, Reviewed, No invitation
32, 17, 24 - Changes in serum thyrotropin and thyroid hormones after acute stroke
M Izumi; S Terao; S Takatsu; J Koshimura; Y Osano; T Mitsuma
MEDICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, Aug. 1999, Reviewed, No invitation
27(8), 569, 572
- Susac syndrome
IZUMI Masayuki
Clinical Neuroscience, Oct. 2018, Not reviewed, Invited
36(10), 1240, 1242 - Clinical features of three patients with bilateral carotid artery occlusion which have developed from unilateral occlusion
IZUMI Masayuki
Cerebrovasc Dis, 2012, Not reviewed, No invitation
34(Suppl 1), 102 - Chorea-ballism in diabetes mellitus
IZUMI Masayuki
Neurol. Med., Feb. 2001, Not reviewed, Invited
54(2), 128, 138 - 脳血管障害における血中Endothelin-1分泌に関する研究(共著)
愛知医科大学医学会雑誌, 2001, Not reviewed, No invitation
29(5(6)), 255, 260 - Plasma endothelin-1 in cerebrovasular disease
Journal of The Aichi Medical University Association, 2001, Not reviewed, No invitation
29(5(6)), 255, 260 - Changes in serum thyrotropin and thyroid hormones after acute stroke
Med. Sci. Res., 1999, Not reviewed, No invitation
27, 569 - 脳血管障害におけるプロラクチン分泌に関する研究(共著)
愛知医科大学医学会雑誌, 1998, Not reviewed, No invitation
26(2), 101 - A study on prolactin secretion in patients following onset of cerebrovascular disease.
Journal of The Aichi Medical University Association, 1998, Not reviewed, No invitation
26(2), 101 - 各種神経疾患の髄液中Thyrotropin releasing hormone,Somatostatin,Vasoactive internal polypeptide,Substance-P測定の臨床的意義(共著)
愛知医科大学医学会雑誌, 1996, Not reviewed, No invitation
24(6), 597 - 脳血管障害における成長ホルモンの分泌に関する研究(共著)
愛知医科大学医学会雑誌, 1996, Not reviewed, No invitation
24(6), 611 - The clinical significance of the measurement of thyrotropin releasing hormone, somatostatin, vasoactive internal polypeptide and substance-P in cerebrospinal fliud in various nervous disease.
Journal of The Aichi Medical University Association, 1996, Not reviewed, No invitation
24(6), 597 - Levels of thyroid hormones in the brain of ataxic mutant mice(共著)
Med. Sci. Res., 1996, Not reviewed, No invitation
24, 675 - Growth hormone secretion in patients following onset of cerebrovascular disease
Journal of The Aichi Medical University Association, 1996, Not reviewed, No invitation
24(6), 611 - Spectacular shrinking deficit in cardiogenic cerebral embolism
IZUMI Masayuki
Nippon rinsho, Nov. 1993, Not reviewed, Invited
51(Suppl), 579, 586
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 認知症に関する予備知識
泉 雅之
2019年度愛知医科大学公開講座, Sep. 2019, No invitation
Public discourse, Domestic conference - 認知症で発症し剖検にて小血管炎と診断した1例
泉 雅之ほか
第60回日本神経病理学会総会学術研究会, Jul. 2019, No invitation
Poster presentation, Domestic conference - もの忘れ患者におけるABC認知症スケールと他の認知機能検査などとの関連性について
泉 雅之ほか
第60回日本神経学会学術大会, May 2019, No invitation
Poster presentation, Domestic conference - もの忘れ初診高齢患者のVSRAD所見の特徴について
泉 雅之ほか
第116回日本内科学会講演会, Apr. 2019, No invitation
Poster presentation, Domestic conference - アルツハイマー型認知症の治療
泉 雅之
平成30年度愛知医科大学公開講座, Sep. 2018, No invitation
Public discourse, Domestic conference - アルツハイマー型認知症患者におけるドネペジル内服増量後の周辺症状出現に関する検討
泉 雅之ほか
第59回日本神経学会学術大会, May 2018, No invitation
Poster presentation, Domestic conference - 認知症で発症し剖検で小血管炎と診断した1例
泉 雅之ほか
第149回日本神経学会東海北陸地方会, Nov. 2017, No invitation
Oral presentation, Domestic conference - 認知症と診断されたら:内科の立場から
泉 雅之
平成29年度愛知医科大学公開講座, Sep. 2017, No invitation
Public discourse, Domestic conference - Outcome evaluation after onset of stroke using the clinical pathway to the local stroke network between Aichi Medical University Hospital and local hospitals.
IZUMI Masayuki
XXIII World Congress of Neurology, Sep. 2017, No invitation
Poster presentation, International conference - 発症後10年間治療経過を観察し得た脳クリプトコッカス症の1例
泉 雅之ほか
第34回日本神経治療学会総会, Nov. 2016, No invitation
Poster presentation, Domestic conference - 認知症とは・・・
泉 雅之
平成28年度愛知医科大学公開講座, Sep. 2016, No invitation
Public discourse, Domestic conference - もの忘れ初診高齢患者の認知機能検査とVSRAD所見との関連性について
泉 雅之ほか
第57回日本神経学会学術大会, May 2016, No invitation
Poster presentation, Domestic conference
Research Themes
- 両側内頸動脈閉塞発症に関わる臨床像の経時的変遷に関する研究
2015 - 2016
泉 雅之, 泉 雅之, バイエル薬品, バイエル薬品, Principal investigator - 両側内頸動脈閉塞発症に関わる臨床像の経時的変遷に関する研究
2015 - 2016
泉 雅之, 泉 雅之, アストラゼネカ, アストラゼネカ, Principal investigator - Endocrinological study on Parkinson disease
- Study on the secretion and metabolism of the thyrotropin releasing hormone,thyrotropin and thyroid hormone in patient with cerebrovascular disease after attack.